Quite often you may need to make the same filter selection on the same page. In order to make this easier and quicker, you can save filter selections and pages in a bookmark.
If a number of Filters are selected on a sheet:

To create a bookmark for the filters, click on “Boomarks” at the top-right hand corner of the sheet:

You seem that a number of bookmarks already exist
Now click on “Create new bookmark”:

In the fields you can give it a title, a description:

Then click on “Save layout” so the check box turns green:

Then click on the “Create” button.
You will then see the following:

Click on the green tick/check.
Then close the dashboard and log into it again.
When logged in, you see the normal Sheets overview:

Now click on “Bookmarks”:

Then you see a list of all the Bookmarks, including the one just created.
If you click on it, you will be taken to the sheet where the bookmark was created with the corresponding filter selections:

You can also select a bookmark from any sheet by clicking on “Bookmarks”:

The you see the Bookmarks window where you can select a bookmark to apply.

If you do a right-mouse click one of the bookmarks, then you get a menu with four options:

- Apply bookmark – this will apply the bookmark – it has the same effect as clicking on the bookmark
- Apply selections only – this will apply the selections in the bookmark but will not navigate to any new sheet
- View details – self-explanatory
- Copy link – this will copy the web address for the bookmark. You can then paste this in the web address field of another browser to go the sheet where the bookmark was created and with the bookmark selections. If you have not logged-in to the dashboard in this web browser, you will be prompted to do so again.