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One of the most powerful features of the YORT.QS dashboard is the ability to set Filters. Here certain field values can be selected (e.g. Year-Month, Topic) and this filter selection covers all the sheets in the dashboard. This makes cross-analysis and drilling-down very easy.

There are a number of ways to set a filter. For instance, some sheets have Filter Panes:

Some sheets have a rectangle that when clicked-upon opens up a sheet containing multiple filters:

When clicking on the two arrows icon when the mouse is hovering over the rectangle:

You can close this filter sheet by clicking on the cross at the top right-hand corner of the sheet.

If on the original sheet, if you hover over the rectangle and click-on rectangle itself three dots then the available filter will be shown, but staying on the original sheet:

One of the most powerful things about filters is that a filter set on one-page, also applies to all other pages.

Below is s part of a sheet without any filter having been set;

If a filter value is selected:

then the Satisfaction score changes to 8,74:

This is the Main Question Satisfaction score. If you then navigate to the “Overall IT Happiness” sheet where this score is also shown, you see it contains the same value as the filter is applicable across all sheets in the dashboard:

When you click on a filter, you will see a number of possible values which can be selected:

If a value has a white background, then it has not yet been selected but can be selected.

If you click on a value it gets a green background meaning “selected”:

To confirm this selection click on the tick/check icon just above the filter name.

The other possible filter values now have a light grey background ,meaning that a selection has been made in the filter, but not for these values.

Sometimes a filter value may have a dark-grey background:

An example is “General Topics” in the “Performance Area” filter. This means that the filter value has been excluded from selection due to the current filter selection. In the example above this is because the selected filter value “Oracle Fusion” in “Indicator Selection” is associated with the “Performance Area” “Application Topics” and therefore not with “General Topics”.

When you click on a filter value or open a filter you will see a number of icons above the filter:

The tick/check on the right, confirms the Filter selection you have just made.

The cross next to it undoes the filter selection you have just made.

The dashed square with a cross in it removes all the filter selections in the filter (filter selections in other filters are not affected).

The three dots open up another menu:

“Select all” will select all the possible selectable values in the filter. So if there are filter values that have a dark-grey background, then they will not be selected. Filter values with a white or grey background (and also already selected values in green) will be selected.

“Select alternative” will de-select the current filter selection in the filter and then select all the non-selected filter selections (i.e. with a white of light grey background) but will not select those with a dark-grey background.

“Select excluded” will de-select the current filter selections and select the excluded filter selections (i.e. those with a dark-grey background) and will also undo filter selections in other filters that caused these filter values to have a dark-grey background. Here is an example below to illustrate this further:

In Indicator Selection the value “Microsoft Teams” has been selected. As in Performance Area Application Topics” has been selected, all the Indicators associated not associated with “Application Topics” have a dark-grey background. If we click on the three dots and select “Select excluded” we see the following:

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