
Multilingual Options

Do you have employees in multiple countries? Do you have employees with different native languages? No worries!

Our survey can be presented in one or many different languages. You can use our predefined translations for this, or we can customize the survey in different languages with you. Both the survey and invitations can be set up to be multilingual. Based on the recipient’s language or country properties, the invitee will receive an invitation in the corresponding language. Needless to say, it is possible for the respondent to change the language.

Before we set up the correct translations in the system, the survey and all corresponding texts need to be translated. You can do this yourself to save costs or use our translation service for a small additional fee.

The process is simple:

  1. All core texts (survey questions and invitations) are defined.
  2. Needed languages are defined.
  3. When all texts are defined, the survey is translated.
  4. Translated texts are checked and tested.
  5. Languages are configured.
  6. Survey is tested in all languages.
  7. Ready to go live with the survey.

Did you know that addressing people in their preferred language boosts engagement (link to engagement page)? It is one of the steps that has a positive effect on response rates (link to response rate article).

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